jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

Project Management and PMP Certification During the tough Economic times

Global economy is facing its worst times. Countries across the world are receding under the financial meltdown. We are living in some of the worst economic times that we have witnessed in last 60- 70 years. Businesses are closing down, organizations are laying off employees with many of them going for huge salary cuts. It is not only one industry sector that is feeling the crunch but it is widespread across all industries. With all this around what does it mean for project professionals and organizations?

When cost-cutting measures are being applied across organizations where does an investment in project management stand for organizations and professionals? Project Management has already established its significant role in a projects success. As increasing number of project managers and organizations rely heavily on best principles in project management for attaining project success. But still for some its an extra burden and more so in tough times like this. Even in the troubled times project managers still enjoy being key resources. And with this an investment in project management training by organizations for its employees is definitely a right step. Project Managers must keep themselves updated and relevant while also keeping aligned their project goals with the organization goals.

The value added by a certified project professional is undeniably of utmost importance and hard times are the testing time for any project manager. During these times his skills are tested against all odds and he has top perform within time and cost constraints. PMP certified project managers get that leading edge and are in better control of their project and team. PMP certification is one such credential which is recognized by government and private bodies alike, leaving no second thought for professionals. So when it comes to making a decision for a PMP Certification, project managers are required to give a hard thought on their training and exam preparation. Moreover, as it involves meticulous training to clear the certification exam.

Of all the certifications PMP certification from PMI, USA is the most recognized certifications. In India for PMP training, AstroWix is one name that has emerged as a very popular choice among the PMP aspirants. AstroWix has for over a decade been providing project management training to project professionals on the best practices in project management. Its training solutions have helped professionals to attain their PMP certification, with comprehensive learning and resource materials, including practice exams and study guides. Moreover, our training programs rope in certified instructors passing on their years of knowledge down to participants through a variety of learning and informative ways.

To know more about Project Management Training, PMP Certification visit :- www.astrowix.com

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